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``An introduction to asynchronous game semantics''
In game semantics, the higher-order value passing mechanisms
of the lambda-calculus are decomposed as sequences
of atomic actions exchanged by a Player and its Opponent.
Seen from this angle, game semantics is akin to trace semantics
in concurrency theory, where a process is identified to the sequences
of requests it generates in the course of time.
Asynchronous game semantics is an attempt to bridge the gap
between the two subjects, and to see mainstream game semantics
as a refined and interactive form of trace semantics.
Asynchronous games are positional games played on Mazurkiewicz traces,
which reformulate (and generalize) the usual notion of arena game.
The framework enables to analyze the interleaving semantics of lambda-terms,
expressed as innocent strategies, in the perspective of true concurrency.
The analysis reveals that innocent strategies are positional strategies
regulated by forward and backward confluence properties.
A further distinction between external and internal positions
in asynchronous games leads to the very first sequential game model
of full propositional linear logic -- in the style of Blass games.
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