Jocelyn Benoist教授連続講義 Lecture Series


フランス・パリ第一大学哲学科Jocelyn Benoist教授を招いて講演会およびワークショップを行います。
日時 / Date
2019年5月30日(木), 5月31日(金) / May 30th(Thu.), 31st(Fri.) 2019
2019年6月4日(火) / June 4th(Tue.) 2019
**6月2日のone-Day Workshop でもBenoist教授による特別講演があります。/ There is also a Colloquium lecturer on June 2nd.
1st Lecture: 文脈主義哲学序論 Against (acontextual) Ontology
日時: 5月30日(木) May 30th (Thu.), 18:00-19:00, Discussion: 19:00-19:30
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館B4Fディスタンスラーニングルーム(*)
Distance learning Room, B4, south Building, Mita Campus, Keio Univertsity(*)

1st Lecture: Against (acontextual) ontology

I will criticize the Platonic motif of an acontextual ontology: so, of a metaphysical ontology in one traditional sense of the term 'metaphysics'. I will criticize this view by reflecting on the purposelessness of mathematical platonism, which serves as a model for such a philosophical misconception, and by showing how, in mathematics, it is the use that largely determines what is meaningful to say that there is.

2nd Lecture: 文脈主義か相対主義か Contextualism or Relativism?
日時: 5月31日(金) May 31st (Fri.), 18:00-19:00, Discussion: 19:00-19:30
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館B4Fディスタンスラーニングルーム(*)
Distance learning Room, B4, south Building, Mita Campus, Keio Univertsity(*)

2nd Lecture: Contextualism or Relativism?

In this talk I am going to endorse, against Platonism, a contextualist view in philosophy. I will clear a common misunderstanding about contextualism lurking in Contemporary philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. Contextualism should not be confused with relativism, as it is very commonly. Far from aiming at weakening the logical content and its truth-value, contextualism is a principle of content determination, providing the only kind of determination that content can ever have.

Another guest talk scheduled just before Prof. Benoist's Second Talk (18:00-19:30) is postponed to a later day (most likely in June or July).
Guest Talk “Echoes - Beyond the opposition between appearance and reality”
日時: 6月2日(日) / June 2nd(Sun.), 16:30-18:00

Echoes - Beyond the opposition between appearance and reality

Western metaphysics is based on the opposition between reality and appearance. This construction essentially rests on a visual model. I am going to question the basis of this metaphysics, by affirming the reality of appearances and reflecting on their various uses, in particular artistic ones. This path will be taken in the first place by shifting the focus of philosophical analysis from visual to acoustic models. Thus I will envisage a possible renewed realism as a metaphysics of ‘echoes’ - as opposed to shadows.

Philosophy One-Day Colloquium 情報は次のページをご覧ください。/ See below for the One-Day Philosophy Workshop
from 10:00 to 18:00
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館B4Fディスタンスラーニングルーム(*)
Distance learning Room, B4, south Building, Mita Campus, Keio Univertsity(*)
3rd Lecture: 表象主義無しの心の哲学へ Contextualism without representationalism
日時: 6月4日(火) June 4th (Tue.), 18:00-19:00, Discussion: 19:00-19:30
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 大学院棟1F313教室(**)
Room 313, Graduate School Building, Mita Campus, Keio Univertsity(**)

3rd Lecture: Contextualism without representationalism

In this talk, I will continue to clarify the idea of contextualism by discussing the possibility and meaning of transposing this requirement from the philosophy of language to the philosophy of mind. I will show how to avoid the pitfall of believing that, in order to be a contextualist in the field of the mind as well, one would have to accept the idea of "representation" as what, at this level, should be put into context.

構内図 Campus Map
(*)南館はキャンパスマップの2です。 Number 2 of the Campus Map
(**)大学院棟はキャンパスマップの3です。 Number 3 of the Campus Map
Jocelyn Benoist
Professor of Contemporary Philosophy and Theory of Knowledge at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Prof. Jocelyn Benoist(ジョスラン・ブノア教授)プロフィール
パリ大学第1校哲学科教授。元パリ・フッサール文庫所長、ブレンターノ学派、初期現象学、初期分析哲学などの哲学史研究の専門家としても知られ、また、フランスの知覚の現象学の伝統と、英語圏の日常言語哲学及び心の哲学の伝統の両者を結び、独自の哲学を発展させてきた。15冊の単著、21冊の編著、約230編の論文がある。2019年フランス国立科学研究センターSilver Medal受賞者。
  • Les limites de l’intentionalité. Recherches phénoménologiques et analytiques, Paris, Vrin, 2005.
  • Concepts. Introduction à l’analyse, Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2010.
  • Eléments de philosophie réaliste. Réflexions sur ce que l’on a, Paris, Vrin, 2011.
  • Le Bruit du Sensible, Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2013.
  • Logique du Phénomène, Paris, Ed. Hermann, 2016.
  • L'Adresse du Réel, Paris, Vrin, 2017.
Email: [email protected]