Philosophy Workshop

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パリ第1大学哲学科Jocelyn Benoist教授を迎えて、Benoist教授の進めているContextualismの哲学と、その背景にあるWittgenstein哲学及び現象学の両面について議論します。
日時 / DATE
日時 / Date
2019年6月2日(日) / June 2nd(Sun.) 2019, 10:00-18:00
場所 / PLACE
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館B4Fディスタンスラーニングルーム
Distance Learning Room, B4F of South Building, Mita Campus, Keio University

構内図はこちら / Campus Map here
南館はキャンパスマップの2です。 The South Building is Number 2 of the Campus Map
Use the MAIN GATE on June 2nd Sunday as other gates are closed on Sundays.
プログラム / PROGRAM
10:00~ Session 1 on Wittgenstein and history of logic:

  • Kengo Okamoto 岡本賢吾 (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
    Title: On Internal Employment of "Formal Concepts"
    -- A Neglected Aspect of the Logicist Program Revisited
    Abstract to be announced.

  • Florencia Di Rocco (Keio Univ.), to be confirmed.

  • Ryo Ito 伊藤遼 (Keio Univ.)
    Title: Geometrical Reasoning and Moves in Space of Reason
    Abstract to be announced

  • Masahide Asano 浅野将秀 (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
    Title: Lotze’s theory of concepts in Logik (1874) and its philosophical prospects
    アブストラクトは下をご覧ください、See below for Abstract

  • その他
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00~ Session 2 on Phenomenological ontology and related issues:

  • Genki Uemura 植村玄輝 (Okayama Univ.)
    Title: Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Phenomenological Argument for Realism
    アブストラクトは下をご覧ください、See below for Abstract

  • Yasuhiro Arahata 荒畑靖宏 (Keio Univ.)
    Title: On the logical form of Dasein (das Man)-judgments
    Abstract to be announced

  • Kentaro Ozeki 小関健太郎 (Keio Univ.)
    Title: On Formal Factors in Meinongian and Husserlian Abstract Objects
    アブストラクトは下をご覧ください、See below for Abstract
16:30~ Session 3 Guest Talk

  • Jocelyn Benoist (Univ. Paris-1)
    Title: Echoes - Beyond the opposition between appearance and reality
    アブストラクトは下をご覧ください、See below for Abstract
18:00 Closing
Informal Workshop Dinner is scheduled just after the Workshop.
ポスター / POSTER
ポスターはこちら / Poster here
アブストラクト / ABSTRACTS
  • Jocelyn Benoist (Univ. Paris-1)
  • Title: Echoes - Beyond the opposition between appearance and reality

    Abstract: Western metaphysics is based on the opposition between reality and appearance. This construction essentially rests on a visual model. I am going to question the basis of this metaphysics, by affirming the reality of appearances and reflecting on their various uses, in particular artistic ones. This path will be taken in the first place by shifting the focus of philosophical analysis from visual to acoustic models. Thus I will envisage a possible renewed realism as a metaphysics of ‘echoes’ - as opposed to shadows.

  • Masahide Asano 浅野将秀 (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
  • Title: Lotze’s theory of concepts in Logik (1874) and its philosophical prospects

    Abstract: Hermann Lotze’s Logik (1874) is one of the most widely read philosophical works from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and so its importance in the history of philosophy is unquestioned. A number of works which extensively deal with Lotze’s philosophy have been published in recent years. However, it seems that his theory of concepts in Logik, in particular, his remarks on conceptual formation and structure, has not been paid much attention in comparison with his famous theory of `validity.’ Although [Sluga1980] argues that Frege’s idea of concepts as functions is influenced by Lotze’s, a closer look reveals that there is a great difference between what they mean by `concepts as functions.’ While we do not agree with Sluga, we do not mean that Lotze is a mere antique. Indeed, we can recognize that the central features of his theory reappear in a more sophisticated way in the conceptual models used in current information science such as Knowledge Representation. In this talk, I’ll review the outline of Lotze’s theory of concepts, give it some formalization, and reevaluate its philosophical prospects.

  • Genki Uemura 植村玄輝 (Okayama Univ.)
  • Title: Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Phenomenological Argument for Realism

    Abstract: In her "Zur Ontologie und Erscheinungslehre der realen Außenwelt" in 1916, the Munich phenomenologist Hedwig Conrad-Martius provides a series of phenomenological descriptions of "the phenomena of the real outer-world". Even though her overt target here is (what she takes to be) positivism, it is almost certain that her discussion is part of an objection to her teacher in Göttingen. The aim of the present talk is to reconstruct two phenomenological arguments for realism from some of her relevant discussions in “Erscheinungslehre”, focusing in particular on those on tactile experience. While the first of those arguments, which I call Direct Argument, does not seem convincing enough, the second, Indirect Argument is more promising and worth taking seriously, or so I shall argue.

  • Kentaro Ozeki 小関健太郎 (Keio Univ.)
  • Title: On Formal Factors in Meinongian and Husserlian Abstract Objects

    Abstract: The problem of abstracta after Locke’s general triangle was one of the themes shared in the Brentano School. Following Twardowski’s realistic turn, Meinong and Husserl developed theories of two distinct kinds of “abstract” objects: ideal Species and incomplete objects.
    In this talk, I present an analysis of the Husserlian and the Meinongian abstract objects in terms of their kinds of generality and ontic status. These aspects are some possible “factors” or “formal factors” (Kurata 2017) of abstract objects.

オーガナイザー / ORGANIZERS
Organizing Committee:
  • Mitsuhiro Okada, Keio University (Chair)
  • Yuta Takahashi, Keio University
  • Genki Uemura, Okayama University
Local Organizing Arrangements:
  • Kentaro Ozeki, Keio University
  • Hiromi Tanaka, Keio University
Email: [email protected]